The New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) is tasked with the incredibly difficult job of investigating and handling cases where there are allegations of child abuse and neglect. A key component of that is to ensure that the procedures are followed properly and that the parties involved are able to present their case. An Albuquerque CYFD abuse and neglect lawyer has the job of representing their clients in this process.
Child abuse and neglect are serious allegations and can carry serious consequences. They can do significant harm and leave victims with psychological and sometimes physical scars. It’s important that these situations be investigated and addressed.
However, there is another side to consider. Family is one of the most important things we have in our society and in our lives. We should do what we can to see that the family is preserved and not broken up and disrupted without sufficient cause and proof. Well-meaning but overzealous CYFD representatives may go too far in their efforts to ensure that children are protected. It’s important that the right balance be kept.
There are systems and procedures in place that are meant to ensure that the process remains balanced. At Berenson & Associates, PC, we advocate for our clients and ensure that every option and procedure available to them is considered.
The CYFD is supposed to investigate the welfare of children when there is sufficient cause to do so. A number of different things could lead to the CYFD getting involved with a family. Some of these include:
There are a number of different ways that a CYFD abuse & neglect lawyer can assist their clients in Albuquerque, NM. The CYFD process can often be complex and challenging to work through.
That can be made all the more difficult by the emotions that are involved with anything involving our children. A knowledgeable attorney can act as a place of stability in these situations. Some of the things that we can help with include:
There is a difficult balance that needs to be maintained in a CYFD abuse or neglect investigation and the accompanying legal process. Children in abusive and neglectful situations absolutely need protection and a way out of those dangerous circumstances.
At the same time, family is one of the most important, oldest societal institutions that we have. While it’s important to protect those who need protection, it’s also critical that families don’t get broken up and disrupted without sufficient cause. It’s challenging but absolutely critical that the CYFD and courts involved get things right.
A big part of getting it right is ensuring that the system in place is consistently and rigorously challenged. That’s why it’s important to work with a lawyer when dealing with CYFD concerns. It’s our job to represent our client’s interests, challenge what’s being asserted, and ensure that the system operates as it’s meant to.
Whether through negotiation to resolve cases without going through the full court process or making the case in court, Berenson & Associates, PC, can vigorously represent our client. If you have CYFD abuse and neglect concerns that you need legal help and representation with, contact us today.
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