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Albuquerque High-Speed Car Accident Lawyer

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Albuquerque High-Speed Car Accident Attorney

high speed car accident lawyer in albuquerque

Some of the most dangerous and damaging car accidents happen when one of the vehicles involved is driving at a high speed. The faster the speed, the more likely the victims are to suffer from devastating injuries. In the most severe cases, fatalities are possible as well. If you have recently been injured in a collision like this, connect with an Albuquerque high-speed car accident lawyer as soon as you can.

At Berenson & Associates, PC, we fully understand the implications of high-speed car accidents in our state. Our Albuquerque car accident lawyers have helped many individuals determine who was at fault for their accident and collect evidence to make their case in court. The quality of your legal representation matters, so it’s important to find someone like us with direct experience. The sooner we get started, the more we will be able to help.

What Can I Be Compensated for in a High-Speed Car Accident?

If someone else is found liable for causing your injuries in a high-speed car accident, you could be entitled to many types of compensation. These can be both economic and non-economic in nature.

Some of the most common include:

Medical Expenses

High-speed crashes can cause serious injuries that require expensive medical treatments to help you recover in Albuquerque. Compensation from your claim can help cover:

  • Emergency room visits and hospitalization: Initial medical care from the emergency room, surgeries, and intensive care treatments.
  • Doctor visits: Follow-up treatment plans, pain management, and consultations with a specialist.
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation: Ongoing therapy to regain mobility and function after experiencing serious injuries.
  • Mediations and medical equipment: Prescription drugs, assistive devices like wheelchairs, and accommodations at home.
  • Future medical expenses: If your injuries require care for life, compensation can also include what you are projected to spend in the future.

Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity

Victims of high-speed accidents may be left unable to work for weeks, months, or even permanently. To assist, compensation can provide:

  • Lost income: Wages that were lost due to missing work to recover.
  • Diminished earning potential: If your injuries prevent you from returning to the job you previously had or have reduced your ability to earn at the same level, this can be compensated for.
  • Loss of employment benefits: If you lose bonuses, promotions, retirement contributions, or health benefits due to your injuries, these can be recouped as well.

Pain and Suffering

Despite popular belief, not all damages are financial. Victims are also able to recover compensation for any physical or emotional distress the accident caused.

This includes:

  • Pain and suffering: Compensation to support any ongoing physical discomfort.
  • Emotional distress: Many victims develop varying levels of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a crash.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: If your injuries prevent you from enjoying activities you once loved, this can be considered in the final compensation award.

Contact an Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer From Berenson & Associates, PC, Today

If you have recently been involved in a high-speed car accident, contact our firm today. We are prepared to start working on your case right away to ensure you receive as much compensation as you are rightfully owed.

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