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Albuquerque Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Albuquerque Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Albuquerque Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When You’ve Been Injured, We Can Help You With Your Case

Bicyclists and pedestrians are often overlooked by motor vehicles when it comes to traffic safety. This can be a recipe for disaster, because in a collision with a car or truck, someone walking or on a bike is in danger of being very badly hurt.

The Albuquerque law firm of Berenson & Associates, PC= is focused on helping injured people recover from serious injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents. Pedestrian accidents account for more than 1 in 10 auto accident fatalities across the country, and vehicle-bicycle crashes also have frequently catastrophic results.

New Mexico bicyclists need to abide by the rules of the road, just as motor vehicle traffic does. However, drivers may not be expecting to see a bicycle on the road — so even if a bicyclist does everything right, a crash might be inevitable.

What Should You Do If You’re In An Accident?

Being involved in any kind of accident is traumatic, and it can be difficult to think about what you need to do in the immediate aftermath. In general, pedestrians and bike riders ought to keep the same kinds of things in mind as vehicle drivers, such as:

  • Be sure to seek medical treatment quickly. Even if you do not think you’ve been seriously hurt, you won’t know unless you are examined by a medical professional.
  • Do not admit fault. If you think you might have acted in error — or even if you are certain you had the right of way — do not say or imply that you might have been at fault. Even a natural reaction such as saying “I’m sorry” could be construed as an admission of fault.
  • Take photos of the accident scene and any vehicles or bicycles involved. Many people carry a camera with them wherever they go, on their smart phones. Documenting what has happened is always useful.

Attorney Rachel Berenson is a certified accident reconstructionist, so her skills combined with any information you can provide may go a long way to help your case.

Please Reach Out To Us Today

Pedestrian and bicycle accident victims can suffer serious injuries, including concussions, brain damage, broken bones and other injuries that may require extensive rehabilitation. Contact our office for a free consultation about your case by calling 505-243-4400 or by sending us your contact information.

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