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AAA Survey Finds Millennials Are the Worst Drivers

AAA Survey Finds Millennials Are the Worst Drivers

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety sent out a survey to 2,511 licensed drivers. Based on this sample, the researchers found 88% of drivers between the ages of 18- to 24-years-old reported engaging in risky behavior, such as texting and driving, running red lights, or speeding. Of those surveyed, 69.3% of 16- to 18-year-olds reported engaging in irresponsible driving behavior, while 88.4% of those ages 19 to 24 reported something similar.

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are those people born in the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Today, those people are in their early to late 20s. Of the Millennials surveyed, 59.3% acknowledged typing or sending a text or e-mail while driving, while the rest of the people surveyed rated 31.4%. Also, according to David, Yang, the foundation’s executive director, some of the drivers from ages 19 to 24 believe dangerous driving behavior is acceptable. (Keep in mind the brain isn’t fully developed until around 25 or so, when the prefrontal cortex fully matures.)

However, this same survey also found those same behaviors were practiced by people across the board; Millennials just rated the highest on the scale. Of those 75 and older, 69.1% reported engaging in the same risky behavior as the young Millennials, despite their age and experience. Likewise, 75.2% of those ages 40 to 59 reported engaging in the same conduct.

The survey also found that all people, regardless of age, are hypocritical. Drivers told AAA distracted, impaired, and aggressive driving is unacceptable; however, many of these drivers engaged in the same behaviors they had decried.

All drivers should be driving more responsibly, whether they are young and inexperienced or older and venerable. If you’ve been injured by an irresponsible driver, don’t hesitate to call us. Berenson & Associates, P.C. has more than 25 years of legal experience to offer your case. Our skilled Albuquerque personal injury attorney is dedicated to representing people who are victims of negligence and carelessness. She is also fluent in English, Spanish, and Bahasa Indonesian. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (505) 559-4117 or fill out our online form with your case details for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

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