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Can you put a “granny cam” in a nursing home room in New Mexico?

Can you put a “granny cam” in a nursing home room in New Mexico?

It’s hard to watch a loved one’s health deteriorate, especially when dementia seems to be stealing them away piece by piece.

Harder still, you may be worried about the quality of the care they’re receiving in a nursing home or assisted living facility. It’s impossible not to be conscious of the fact that nursing home neglect and abuse are common problems – and they can go undetected until the damage is severe.

An in-room camera can help you monitor your loved one from afar

Technology has made video surveillance cheap and easy. New Mexico is one of the few states that have already established laws that entitle people to use so-called “granny cams” to make sure their loved ones are safe.

Under the law, a monitoring device is permitted in a patient’s room in a nursing home facility when:

  • The patient or their caregiver authorizes it.
  • The facility is notified that the device will be there.
  • The device creates a visual recording that includes a date and time.
  • The patient pays for the cost of the device’s installation and maintenance.
  • Any roommate (or their caregiver) also agrees to the device’s presence.

Additionally, a competent patient can also put limits on the use of the device, including where it is pointed, when it is in use and so on.

Nursing home neglect and abuse can rob you of the precious time you have left with your loved one, and the signs and symptoms of trouble can be hard to spot in time to prevent serious injuries. A monitoring device can help you find peace of mind.

If your loved one is being abused or neglected, you do have legal options that can help you hold the people and facility involved accountable.

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