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Child Brain Injuries: What You Should Know

Child Brain Injuries: What You Should Know

Children tend to be more susceptible to serious injuries than adults due to their youth, frailty, and inexperience. Out of all the injuries they can experience, brain injuries pose the greatest threat to their health and happiness. It is our responsibilities as adult, their parents, and their guardians to do what we can to stop children from experiencing brain injuries. A great way to prevent injuries are to know how they happen, so be sure to review this list of frequently asked questions about child brain injuries thoroughly.

If your child has been injured and you suspect a brain injury might be the result, please contact emergency medical responders right away. If another party is responsible for the accident or incident, you should also contact Berenson & Associates, PC and our Albuquerque personal injury lawyers as soon as you can. With our help, you may be able to gain maximized compensation for yourself and your child. Use an online case evaluation form today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Brain Injuries

  1. Are children more likely to get a brain injury than adults?
    Not necessarily. While it is true that young children may act more recklessly during play and fail to comprehend the danger behind a situation, they typically are not directly involved in scenarios that could cause a brain injury. If your child is 2 or younger, it is possible that their skull has not finished fusing together, which could make them more susceptible to a serious brain injury.
  2. Can a brain injury impact my child’s development?
    Yes. Any sort of traumatic brain injury a child suffers can permanently and negatively impact their cognitive functions, including their development and ability to learn new things. It is not uncommon for children who have suffered a brain injury to require special education.
  3. If caught early, can a child’s brain injury be cured?
    Brain injuries are so dangerous because most cannot be cured or alleviated once they occur. Even if your child’s brain injury is diagnosed immediately, there might be little doctors can do to reduce its symptoms and effects. This is why prevention is so important.
  4. Other than an impact, such as in a car accident, what can cause a child brain injury?
    Some children will experience a brain injury after taking dangerous medications or prescriptions in the wrong dosages. In other situations, a child who has become partially asphyxiated during play, perhaps by swallowing a small toy, may suffer brain damage due to a lack of oxygen reaching the brain for an extended period of time.
  5. Are helmets effective ways to stop child brain injuries?
    Yes. If your child is going to participate in a sport, ride a bicycle, or engage in any other activity that could be considered “risky,” purchase a properly fitting helmet for them first. Always help them put it on and check that it is secured well. A $30 helmet could be the difference between a bruise on your child’s forehead and a permanent brain injury.

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