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Do you need an expert witness in your nursing home neglect case?

Do you need an expert witness in your nursing home neglect case?

The damages suffered through nursing home neglect can have long-lasting implications. Your or your loved one’s pain and suffering might be unbearable, and the medical expenses and lost wages in play might be financially overwhelming. While a personal injury claim might bring some relief, it will only do so if you’re able to succeed in imposing liability and proving your damages. This process is easier said than done, though, which is why sometimes it might be helpful to have expert witnesses on your side so that the law lines up with your position.

How an expert witness can help your personal injury case

There are experts in every field. This means that an expert might be able to help you prove liability, such as by showing that the proper care expected in the industry wasn’t provided, or demonstrate the extent of your damages, such as by having a doctor or mental health expert testify to the extent of your harm. One crucial aspect of expert testimony is that, unlike a lay witness, these professionals are able to render an opinion on the matter that can be extremely persuasive to a judge and jury.

If you’re case is complicated or highly contentious, then consider seeking out experts who can help you build your case. If you or a loved one has been harmed by nursing home neglect, then seeking out those who are experienced in this field may help you establish the appropriate standard of care and show how you or your loved one was subjected to care that was sub-par.

How do you qualify someone as an expert witness?

Not everyone can qualify as an expert witness. Before qualifying a witness as an expert, the court might look at a number of factors, including the witness’s education, experience, publications, and previous testimony given as an expert. Obviously, the more highly qualified the expert is, the more weight his or her testimony will be given. You’ll want to have the most qualified expert possible, though, so that you can argue that his or her testimony is more reliable than testimony given by the defense’s expert.

How do you find an expert witness?

There are a lot of professionals out there who market themselves as experts who are available to testify in court. You need to be careful in choosing an expert to help with your case, though. You should make sure that you do your homework to ensure that you know what you could get from the services of an expert witness as well as whether he or she has any weaknesses. For example, an expert who previously had their professional license suspended may not look very credible to a judge and jury. So, be careful.

Oftentimes the best expert witnesses are much closer to you than you think. For example, your own doctor might be the best positioned to speak on the injuries at hand and how they may affect future care and treatment.

Do you need help building your case?

Expert witnesses can play a crucial role in building a nursing home neglect case. However, they serve as just one aspect of a well-developed claim. You’ll likely need to address a whole host of other issues, not to mention be prepared to counter the defense’s arguments.

So, if you think that you could benefit from assistance in building your case, then it might be best to reach out to an attorney who has a record of successfully litigating personal injury claims like nursing home neglect. After all, you’ll want to do everything you can to make sure that those who are responsible for causing your or a loved one’s harm are held accountable.

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