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Hold negligent nursing homes accountable

Hold negligent nursing homes accountable

Nursing homes are tasked with a big responsibility: caring for our most vulnerable loved ones. The government recognizes the importance of this duty, evidenced by the numerous regulations placed on nursing homes and their employees. Yet, despite the importance of caring for our elderly loved ones, far too often nursing homes and their employees act in a way that puts residents at serious risk of harm. When this happens to your loved one, you should consider whether legal action is warranted.

Know how to assess and develop your case

Witnessing signs of nursing home abuse or neglect is certainly a justification to consider legal action, but you need to know all of the facts and how to appropriately and aggressively apply the law to them. This might require subpoenaing witness, gathering testimony, and securing records from the nursing home. You’ll need to be armed with tough questions for those individuals who are adverse to your position, and also be prepared to address blame-shifting when a nursing home tries to escape liability.

Settlement or trial?

Once you decide to take legal action, you’ll need to determine the value of your case so that you can better evaluate whether a settlement offer is right for you. This means that you need to understand the extent of your damages as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Only then will you know when you should push back or take a case to trial, and when you should take an offer that is passed your way.

Obtain the personalized representation you and your loved one deserve

Not all law firms are created equal. At our firm, we take pride in our ability to provide our clients with the one-on-one attention they deserve while building the aggressive case they need to maximize their chances of obtaining accountability and compensation. This requires thorough case preparation, which might include competently conducting depositions and preparing effective cross-examination. We take pride in our record of successfully advocating for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect, and encourage those who are interested in taking legal action to fully research the law firms they are interested in to know exactly what kind of representation they are going to be receiving.

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