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How to tell if a nursing home is understaffed?

How to tell if a nursing home is understaffed?

When you admit a loved one into a nursing home, you expect quality services. New Mexico has certain requirements that facilities need to fulfill to operate. And the chances are you chose a facility that meets such qualifications. Nonetheless, a home may offer quality services in the beginning and fail to do so in the future.

For instance, they may ensure you have access to the staff members you need during admission, but in reality, they may not be enough to take care of residents competently.

Below are three signs of an understaffed nursing home:

Poor hygiene

If when visiting your loved one, you notice the facility is not well maintained, it may be understaffed. They may not have enough housekeepers to clean the rooms and ensure residents’ belongings are clean and organized. Bedsores may also signify immobile patients are not well taken care of.

Delayed treatment

When nurses are all hands on deck, they notice earlier symptoms of diseases and treat them sooner. However, this may be challenging in an understaffed home where a resident can see a nurse a few times a week. If you visit your loved one and notice an unusual symptom, and you have to look for a nurse to check it, the home may be understaffed.


If the staff members you meet and talk to seem too exhausted to offer you the help you need in-depth, they may be overworking. An understaffed facility may ask employees to work for extended hours, which is dangerous as it can result in providing residents with substandard care.

Understaffing in a nursing home can lead to costly consequences. If your loved one is injured due to this, you should get legal help to protect their rights.

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