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I Did Not Know I Was Injured – Can I Still File a Claim?

I Did Not Know I Was Injured – Can I Still File a Claim?

We all know the devastation that a traumatic event such as a car accident can have on a person’s body. From minor fender benders to major pileups, drivers and passengers can suffer a wide range of serious injuries such as broken bones, soft tissue injuries, concussions, and more. While many of these injuries are visible or have immediate symptoms, others can go unnoticed for days or even weeks after a crash. But how is this possible, and can you still seek compensation if your injury’s symptoms are delayed?

Does No Pain = No Injury?

Many people attempt to gauge whether they have been hurt in an accident based on whether or not they feel any pain. This can be misleading, as a person’s “fight or flight” adrenal response can make them feel temporarily immune to pain after an accident. As such, it is not uncommon for a person to suffer critical damage and not know it for a considerable period of time after an accident.

Injuries which commonly have delayed symptoms include:

  • Concussions
  • Internal bleeding
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries (whiplash)

This can be dangerous, as many of these injuries can gradually worsen and potentially lead to permanent damage if left untreated. For this reason, it is imperative that you seek a full medical evaluation as soon as possible after a collision to both protect your health and ability to recover compensation for your injuries. Even if your crash appeared to be minor, seeking medical attention will ensure all of your injuries are identified and documented – a crucial factor when filing your personal injury claim.

Can I Still Seek Compensation?

Yes. While delaying seeking medical attention may cause insurance adjusters to question the cause of your injuries or imply that your injuries were not as severe as you say they are, you will still be able to file a claim against the at-fault driver. Seeing a doctor as soon as you can after experiencing symptoms and adhering to their prescribed treatment will help you strengthen your claim by ensuring the duration and nature of your injuries are verified.

In any case, if you have been injured in a car accident, it is important you retain the services of a knowledgeable legal professional to guard your interests and maximize your chances of securing a fair settlement. At Berenson & Associates, P.C., our compassionate and professional Albuquerque car accident attorneys have nearly 20 years of legal experience and can provide the aggressive advocacy you need to help you push forward with peace of mind.

Call (505) 559-4117 or fill out an online form today to get started.

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