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Negligent or abusive nursing home care can cost a resident their life

Negligent or abusive nursing home care can cost a resident their life

No amount of abuse or neglect of nursing home residents is acceptable. People who live in long-term care facilities have the right to live in as much comfort and dignity as possible. Any negligence or outright abuse by staff that interferes with that right should be investigated and stopped as soon as it comes to light.

However, some cases are neglect are so bad that they cause the victim’s death. The untimely death of a loved one in a nursing home can be anguishing and angering. How could someone who is being paid to care for your vulnerable parent or other loved one actually contribute to their death?

Scalded in the bath

In one recent case, the family of a man who died in 2018 of severe burns has settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-home care company responsible for his care. The man, who had a severe brain injury, suffered the burns while an aide was giving him a bath. The aide rinsed off his torso with scalding hot water, having failed to test its temperature first. The man spent six weeks in the hospital before passing away.

This sad incident took place at the victim’s private home, where his family presumably was able to regularly check on him and monitor the care company’s work. It is more difficult to know what is going on when your relative lives in a nursing home. Regular visits and conversations with staff help, but even as an advocate for your loved one, you cannot know what they are going through when you are not there. You might not find out about nursing home neglect or abuse until it is too late.

After abuse, consider legal action

If you believe your loved one has suffered from the effects of neglect or abuse at their nursing home, discuss the situation with a qualified personal injury attorney.

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