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New Mexico Cell Phone-Related Car Accidents & Laws

New Mexico Cell Phone-Related Car Accidents & Laws

Across the state of New Mexico, distracted driving is a widespread, dangerous habit many drivers on road possess. 3,129 people lost their lives in 2014 in distracted driving-related car accidents. According to a statistic released by the National Safety Council, driving while using a cellphone leads to 1.6 million crashes per year. As a driver in New Mexico, do you know what the law says about texting and driving? In this blog, our Albuquerque car accident lawyer explains 66-7-374, the New Mexico law on texting while driving as well as other state laws regarding electronic device use while driving.

Why Texting & Driving is Dangerous

In surveys conducted by AT&T, more than 90% of their customers acknowledged that texting and driving was bad, yet they still did it. Many people considered themselves able to multitask. If you are someone who thinks texting and driving are dangerous but think it’s safe to read emails or search the web while driving, you are wrong. Reading an email notification may take your eyes off the road for five seconds, but in that time, you could have traveled the length of a football field if you were traveling 55 miles per hour.

Cell Phone Laws in New Mexico

  • All drivers are banned from text messaging while driving.
  • All drivers are banned from hand-held cell phone talking New Mexico.
  • It is illegal for intermediate license holders to talk to text while driving.

66-7-374 – Texting While Driving Law

  • Prohibits drivers from texting or using any other typing-related communications.
  • The ban applies even to temporary stops such as stoplights, stop-signs, and traffic congestion.
  • GPS and other in-dash systems designed for use while driving are permitted.
  • Fines for texting while driving in New Mexico are $25 for your first offense and $50 for any subsequent offenses.
  • Under this same law, police are not permitted to seize cell phones at the time of the citation.

For more information cell phone-related driving laws in New Mexico, check out the Governors Highway Safety Association. If you were injured by a negligent driver in a car accident or as a pedestrian, our Albuquerque personal injury lawyer could help you fight for compensation. Call today to request your free consultation.

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