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Tips for Preventing Workplace Injuries

Tips for Preventing Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries, though preventable, are growing increasingly more common. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, more than 13 people died a day while doing their jobs. At Berenson & Associates, P.C., we find this statistic to be an appalling exemplification at the lack of common safety practices in many workplaces. We believe prevention is the best protection, which is why it is essential to regularly promote workplace safety practices.

The following are essential tips for preventing workplace injuries:

  • Prevent slips and falls – Keep aisle and exits clear of items, and make sure the floor is clearly marked when wet or slippery. If there are areas that can’t always be cleaned, make sure to install anti-slip flooring. If everyone remains informed and reports all spills and leaks, people will be more likely to be aware and cautious.
  • Eliminate fire hazards – Keep unnecessary combustible materials from accumulating in the work area, report hazards in electrical areas, and make sure to follow all safety guidelines in terms of keeping passageways and fire doors free of obstructions. Clothes should never be contaminated with flammable liquids.
  • Control dust – If dust covers at least 5% of a room’s surface and is at least 0.8 millimeters, there is a significant chance for an explosion to occur. If air quality isn’t up to code, industrial vacuums, sweeping, and water wash-downs are viable solutions in removing the dust.
  • Prevent falling objects and clear clutter – The cleaner a place is, the safer it is. Storing materials properly will prevent tripping, fire, explosion, and any other potential injuries.
  • Use personal protective equipment at all times.
  • Think long term and create a set of standards – Cleaning once isn’t going to prevent anything, which is why you should stick to a schedule that is regular and long-term.

Contact Our Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyers

At Berenson & Associates, P.C.., our legal team has extensive experience and knowledge regarding personal injury and how to best move forward following an injury that happens at your place of work. As prominent Albuquerque personal injury lawyers, we have seen just have devastating it can be to suddenly face paying off expensive medical bills and deal with any loss of work–not to mention any pain and suffering.

To schedule an initial consultation and speak to a representative of our firm, call us at (505) 559-4117.
Provided by the National Safety Council

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