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What Should I Ask My Doctor after a Car Accident?

What Should I Ask My Doctor after a Car Accident?

The actions you take after experiencing a car accident can be critical to the success of your personal injury claim and a timely visit to the doctor is no exception. In addition to protecting your health, establishing medical records and demonstrating how an injury has affected you can play a critical role in maximizing your potential settlement. During your visit, it is important to have questions ready and below our blog outlines three topics that you should consider discussing with your doctor.

  1. Future medical concerns: In addition to any current injuries that you might have sustained, be sure to ask your doctor about the treatments you can expect in the future. This is not the time to be shy about asking questions. Be sure to raise concerns over how an injury might progress or additional problems that may present themselves. This can work to establish an official paper trail that documents precisely how you were injured.
  2. Time away from work: It is common for victims of car crashes to need time off work or restricted work duties in order to best recover. While a doctor might make a recommendation for what they believe to be in order for your situation, you are free to ask for more time. Not all injuries are immediately apparent and if new issues develop or current injuries get worse, it is important to have the time you need to heal. Establishing needs for time off early on in the claims process can help when seeking damages for missed work or reduced income potential.
  3. Medical documents: The personal injury insurance claims process often requires thorough and extensive documentation. Medical records are a central source of evidence when attempting to argue for restitution to adequately cover injuries and medical expenses. While a doctor’s office will typically provide you with records of your visit, medical forms can often be difficult to read for the average person. Do not be afraid to seek clarification for any items that you do not understand.

It can be difficult for many people to visit the doctor, especially when they are injured. However, if you have been in an accident of any kind, it is important to act quickly. Waiting to seek medical treatment may be used by the opposing attorney as evidence against your claim. Furthermore, you expose yourself to the risk that any injuries may get worse if left untreated.

Restitution for Car Accident Victims

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident through no fault of your own, Berenson & Associates, PC can help you to claim every penny that you deserve. Our lead Albuquerque personal injury lawyer possesses more than 25 years of legal experience and is certified in auto accident reconstruction. We work hard to help our clients settle claims outside of the courtroom and can provide uncompromising legal representation should litigation become necessary.

Call 505-243-4400 and request a FREE consultation with our firm to learn more about your case.

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