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Santa Fe Truck Accident Attorney

Santa Fe Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one are dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident in the Santa Fe area, you already know how overwhelming the experience can be. Attempting to navigate this complicated intersection of insurance and personal injury law without the assistance of a skilled Santa Fe truck accident lawyer can be a source of tremendous stress at a time when you need it least.

When faced with such a challenge, it’s a wise choice to enlist powerful legal assistance from a reputable and local personal injury firm like Berenson & Associates, PC. Our dedicated firm can take on the legal process of seeking compensation for your injuries, leaving you free to focus on the healing process. Following a collision with a large vehicle, it’s likely you’ll need ample time to recover from the injuries sustained.

At Berenson & Associates, PC, our qualified and successful team of truck accident attorneys understands the challenges and complexities inherent to trucking accident cases. We would be honored to guide you through the process of securing justice for your injuries and damages, often in the form of ensuring the at-fault party pays a substantial financial settlement.

Understanding New Mexico Truck Accidents

Commercial trucking represents the lifeblood of many American (and global) industries. A vast range of different operations in New Mexico and beyond, from infrastructure to health care, rely on trucks and other shipping vehicles to transport goods. Unfortunately, these large vehicles use the same highways and surface streets people access to get around Santa Fe. When the two groups of vehicles interact, serious damages and injuries can result.

While we can all appreciate the crucial work truckers do for us each day, we must also acknowledge that sharing the road with these behemoth vehicles and their substantial loads represents a unique category of roadway hazard. Automotive safety standards and technology have come a long way, but motor vehicles are inherently dangerous by their very nature. This only becomes more apparent when sharing the highway with semi trucks, heavily laden trailers, and other large commercial vehicles.

A situation that would result in a minor fender-bender between two passenger cars can become a catastrophic crash when one or both vehicles are replaced with a large truck. The sheer mass of commercial vehicles, sometimes combined with overworked drivers, is why serious injuries can regularly result from trucking accidents. Thankfully, an injured party equipped with the proper legal representation can use New Mexico law to their advantage and pursue an equally serious settlement for their injuries.

How prevalent and dangerous are trucking accidents, exactly? Let’s look at some key numbers:

  • There are over 150,000 truck accidents in America in an average year.
  • Around a third of these accidents will result in an injury.
  • An additional 3% of these incidents will result in death, meaning the United States sees more than 4,500 truck-related deaths per year.
  • New Mexico (along with Nevada) is one of the safest states in the Southwest region for truck accidents, with just over 800 crashes per year resulting in around 250 reported injuries, based on recent years’ data. Compare this to California, which sees almost 15,000 truck accidents annually, or Texas, which has closer to 20,000.
  • When it comes to fatal trucking accidents, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada are among the safest states in the region, with fewer than 50 deadly trucking incidents in each state annually.
  • The majority of truck accident injuries, by about a 3 to 1 ratio, are sustained by the occupants of other vehicles rather than by truckers themselves. This is unsurprising, given the difference in size and weight between commercial trucks and passenger cars. Only around 2% of injured parties are non-motorists like pedestrians, cyclists, and bystanders.
  • Out of about 5,000,000 annual traffic accidents nationwide, only 2 to 3% involve a large truck; however, this small percentage of incidents can be responsible for significant injuries and property damage due to the types of vehicles involved.
  • According to insurance data, fewer than 2% of claims involving a large truck or commercial vehicle are subject to litigation. This is potentially a troubling indicator because it suggests that many injured parties are leaving money on the table by accepting whatever the insurance company offers them.

At Berenson & Associates, PC, the number that matters most to us is the one that ends up deposited in your bank account when the case reaches its conclusion. Whatever the unique circumstances of your case may be, we are committed to fighting for maximum compensation on behalf of injured Santa Fe residents.

We will ensure that any settlement package fully accounts for not only your physical injuries and their immediate treatment but also for long-term medical expenses, loss of income, emotional suffering, property damage, and any other legally compensable factor. Our highly adept attorneys will aggressively advocate for your rights–and your financial future–every step of the way.

From filing your initial claim to gathering the strongest evidence to standing firm for your interests at the negotiating table, our team is here to work for you. As skilled negotiators, we can effectively present all the evidence to the opposing party, increasing the likelihood of settling outside of court. We can even take the case to the courtroom if those who have wronged you refuse to resolve the situation in a more collaborative and efficient way.

FAQs for Santa Fe Truck Accident Lawyers

Q: How Much Are Most Truck Accident Settlements?

A: The amount of a personal injury settlement will vary greatly and depends on a variety of factors, including the type and extent of injuries suffered, any related property damages, and your attorney’s negotiating and litigating skills.

In the realm of trucking accidents, the majority of settlements and judgments will be less than $1 million, with amounts in the six-figure range being more routine. Amounts under $100,000 are also normal for incidents resulting in minor, short-term injuries and limited property damage.

Q: How Much Is a Neck and Back Injury Settlement?

A: The financial award for a neck and back injury related to a trucking case will ultimately be determined by all the specifics of the case: most crucially, the extent of the injuries suffered, the cost of treating them, and their impact on your life. How negligent the driver or company was can also be a factor. Neck and back injuries can be quite serious, resulting in paralysis or other long-term debilitation in the most extreme instances, so very large settlements are indeed possible.

Q: What Is Considered a Good Settlement?

A: A “good settlement” is a highly subjective concept and can be quite different from case to case. If a trucking injury that results in minor, superficial injuries leads to a settlement of $100,000, this might be considered a rather successful outcome for the injured party. However, in cases of total paralysis, permanent brain damage, or wrongful death, a settlement offer of the same amount would not be nearly as satisfactory. It is important to get an award that aligns with the damage caused.

Q: How Can I Get a Better Settlement?

A: One of the most effective ways to improve the settlement that you could get following a vehicular accident with a truck is by hiring a skilled personal injury lawyer. Getting the most lucrative settlement out of a truck-related injury involves demonstrating to the court that you were injured in a legally compensable way. This usually involves evidence like dash cam videos, police crash scene reports, witness testimony, medical records, etc.

Berenson & Associates, PC – The Clear Choice for Santa Fe Truck Accident Injury Victims

As a leading Santa Fe truck accident lawyer and multi-talented personal injury law firm, Berenson & Associates, PC has a proven track record of success handling a diverse array of tough personal injury cases, including those involving truck accidents, commercial vehicles, and insurance claims.

We are now into our third decade of helping injured New Mexico residents advocate for their rights and seek fair compensation from those who have wronged them, and with no signs of slowing down any time soon.

Rest assured, we have the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to effectively represent your unique goals and interests in a truck accident case. In fact, our entire model of representation is built around the understanding that every personal injury case is unique and calls for one-on-one guidance and detail-oriented strategizing.

We will take the time to listen to your side of the story so we can create a litigation strategy that is both highly collaborative and cost-effective, often resulting in a substantial settlement without having to take your case to a full courtroom trial. Whatever tactics most effectively fit your unique scenario, our knowledgeable, professional legal staff knows how to identify them and will take the time to develop the perfect legal strategy tailored to your individual scenario.

When you’re ready for highly effective legal help, please reach out to set up a consultation with Berenson & Associates, PC. We’ll help you pursue justice and compensation so that you can focus on recovering from your experience.

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